Tell Target Actions

Tell Target is a means to communicate across multiple timelines. Any movie can control another movie. Your movie has multiple timelines when
1. You create a SWF Object
2. You load a movie into a layer

There are three basic Tell Target functions built into KoolMoves.
1. Stop
2. Play
3. Stop Sounds

More will come later. These actions are located in the Advanced section of the Add Action popup menu.

The tell target actions work just like regular actions with one difference - you must define a target in the target box. Inside a SWF each target is laid out much like a directory. To access the curent main movie's timeline you can use: /. This can be used anywhere to control the current movies timeline. The ../ syntax can also be used to control a higher movie's timeline. So, for example, lets say you want to control the main timeline from an imported SWF Object with Tell Target you would use the ../ syntax. For loaded movies the syntax is a little different. To use Tell Target on a loaded movie you use _leveln/ where n is the level of the loaded movie. If, for example, you want to control a loaded movie in level 1 the target would be: _level1/. To control a SWF Object from the main movie you can use either /Object name or just Object Name.